
31 May 1998 -- Jeremy Sisto - "Alex" (Actor)

Week one is now history. And to tell you the truth I don't

remember a fuckin thing. I have a hunch it went alright. Good actually. Anyway these two days off will go quickly

and soon the weeks will start to meld together as well

creating a medley of moments and hopefuly a good movie.

Wish you could be here. But you'll get to join us later.

Peace on Earth and good will to man kind.

31 May 1998 -- Erik Palladino - "Jesse" (Actor)

I am at the Gold Dust Lounge it is 8 o'clock in the morning and we have just finished a long night of shooting. Now I will drink. Soon I will be drunk and eventually I will sleep. Thank you, goodnight.

29 May 1998 -- David Lowery - "Jon" (Actor)

my god what have i gotten into

[ This Space Between Us ]